
230505 DAY2 part2 滋賀一周トレイル 湖南アルプスでテント泊 #hiking #Kansai #関西 #ハイキングShiga Round Trail

Adventuring Through the Shiga Round Trail
A Story of Senior Citizens Taking on a Grand Challenge

It’s a tale of courage and determination –
a group of senior citizens from Shiga, Japan,
who have set out to accomplish a remarkable feat:
conquering the Shiga Round Trail.
This unique trail is a nearly 438-kilometer loop
that circles around Lake Biwa,
the largest freshwater lake in Japan.
The trail is full of rugged terrain,
spectacular views, and an abundance of wildlife,
making it a thrilling challenge
for any outdoor enthusiast.

But for this group of intrepid seniors,
the trail is a test of their physical and
mental stamina, as well as a way to stay active,
explore the outdoors, and make lifelong memories.
Follow along as they take on the Shiga Round Trail,
and discover the courage, determination,
and spirit of adventure that drive them!
