In the past, I have stayed in friends’ tents and borrowed my father-in-law’s tent and gone camping with my wife several times. However, they were all small dome-shaped tents, so I longed for a larger tent. Since Amachan was born, we have not been able to go camping due to childcare and the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that Amachan is three years old, we decided it was time to go camping together, so we decided to buy our long-desired tunnel tent. It is easy to set up even for a beginner, and there is enough space for three people to sit in chairs lined up in the living room. It is also convenient to be able to move around inside while standing. We went for a day camp right away, and the weather was good and the autumn leaves were at their peak, so it was soothing.
October 2024

軽トラキャンパー2025 今日は雨です。#軽トラキャンピングカー #車中泊#アウトドア