

こんにちは^ ^kananです♪
車内にポータブルトイレを導入してから、不安が解消され更に快適な車中泊が出来るようになりました^ ^
手を洗えるように簡易シンクも導入してみました (*´◡`​*) まだまだ改善点はあるものの、とても気に入っています♡

試行錯誤しながら、自分に合った車中泊スタイルを探しています^ ^✨

花粉症の為キャンプは5月再開予定( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )⃛

#簡易トイレ#車内トイレ#ポータブルトイレ#簡易シンク#簡易ギャレー#防災#女子ソロ#初心者#車中泊#ズボラ女子#ヴォクシー70#TOYOTA #VOXY

Hello ^ ^ I’m kanan♪

This time it’s the toilet situation of staying in my car.

When I was staying in the car as a girl solo, I was afraid of the toilet in the middle of the night … I thought I didn’t like it.

After introducing a portable toilet in the car, my anxiety has been relieved and I can stay in the car even more comfortably ^ ^

I also introduced a simple sink so that I can wash my hands (* ́◡` *) Although there are still some improvements, I like it very much♡

My own secret space that I don’t even know about my family♡

Last year, I bought a 320,000 yen Voxy at a used car shop.

Can you live a comfortable life in the car without remodeling…❔

Through trial and error, I’m looking for a car overnight style that suits me ^ ^✨

I usually live in a secluded life♪

The camp is scheduled to resume in May due to hay fever ( ͈́ ᗨ `͈ )⃛

I think I’ll be staying in the car for a while😊

#Simple toilet #Car toilet #Portable toilet #Simple sink #Simple galley #Disaster prevention #Women’s solo #Beginner #Stay in the car #Zubora girls #Voxy 70 #TOYOTA #VOXY

